66 Oro workers to benefit from P1.9-M livelihood grants from DOLE

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY (PIA)–A total of 66 beneficiaries from various barangays of this city were invited to the DOLE Integrated Livelihood Program Orientation and Contract Signing spearheaded by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)-10 through the Cagayan de Oro City Field Office (CDOFO) in collaboration with the 2nd District Congressional Office, May 9.

From persons with disabilities (PWDs) to displaced workers and disadvantaged individuals, the DOLE Integrated Livelihood Program (DILP) aims to provide inclusive opportunities that will empower and support these members of society towards economic alleviation.

Each beneficiary will be receiving a total of P30,000 worth of starter kits in the form of raw materials and equipment, which will serve as capital and support to start various small businesses such as dried flower selling, rice trading, dressmaking, furniture making, karanderia, printing services, food processing, barber shops, and bakeries.

TUPAD Coordinators prepare the necessary documents for the contract signing of 66 beneficiaries of the DOLE Integrated Livelihood Program under the ACP 2nd District Congressional Office on May 9, 2023. (CDOFO)

For all these projected sustainable livelihood projects, these grants amounted to P1,980,000 in total and were implemented with the aid of MAVEN Center for Learning and Entrepreneurship, Inc. as the Accredited Co-Partner (ACP).

CDOFO Provincial Director Emmanuel G. Toledo extended his warm congratulations to the beneficiaries and said that it is the department’s joy and honor to be able to serve individuals with dreams and aspirations of having a better life through entrepreneurship.

Toledo also expressed hope that through these sustainable entrepreneurial pursuits provided by the government, not only businesses but also employment opportunities for those in the community will be created.

The event included an orientation that provided knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help develop and prepare the beneficiaries’ entrepreneurial mindset as they will be receiving their individual starter kits soon. Moshe Dustin Banaag, a livelihood development specialist, provided extensive explanations of the duties and responsibilities involved in managing their livelihood projects.

Moreover, contracts were signed in order to fortify these individuals as official beneficiaries entitled to the assistance, training, equipment, and materials that would bolster the creation of their proposed businesses.

The event was graced by the presence of Rep. Rufus B. Rodriguez, who emphasized that the government remains very proactive in helping the Kagay-Anon people in every way possible, most especially in the aspects of gainful employment, ensuring that everyone has access to opportunities.

Additionally, Sr. LEO Hazel S. Umbal and Chief of Staff Lawyer Regine Rodriguez witnessed the contract signing with the assistance of DOLE-10 CDOFO TUPAD Coordinators and the Public Employment Service Office of Cagayan de Oro City. (DOLE-10/PIA-10)


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