20,000 join Traslacion in Cagayan de Oro City

by JOEL C. ESCOL, Managing Editor


CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY – Close to 20,000 devotees from all over Mindanao and Visayas joined the yearly holding of Traslacion in Cagayan de Oro, reports reaching Mindanao Daily News said.

For safety, the different telcos in the city jammed phone call and internet connections. The police are also installed in different key areas where the procession of the Nazarene will pass pass by.

Apart from Cagayan de Oro, the procession is also simultaneous with Manila and Davao today, Tuesday, Jan. 9.

Archbishop Jose Cabantan of the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro has extended an invitation to the faithful to participate in the annual procession, urging them to contemplate the profound devotion to the Poong Hesus Nazareno.

In a message broadcasted over Radio Veritas, Archbishop Cabantan expressed gratitude to God for the abundant blessings bestowed upon them, particularly emphasizing the birth of the only begotten Son, their Lord and Savior. He highlighted the significance of Jesus’ companionship throughout life’s journey, providing sustenance, comfort, and solace during challenges.

The Archbishop emphasized that Jesus is a constant companion in all journeys, especially in times of adversity. He encouraged the faithful to draw strength and inspiration from Jesus’ birth, finding hope even in the face of life’s burdens.

JESUS passion and the cross we carry, Cabatan said, give us hope despite the burdens we bear. “We are not alone in facing life’s trials; God is always with us, our Emmanuel! Happy Feast Day of Jesus Nazareno,” proclaimed Archbishop Cabantan.

The Minor Basilica and National Shrine of the Black Nazarene (Quiapo Church) presented the Archdiocese with a pilgrim image of the revered Poong Hesus Nazareno on Jan. 5, 2009. The image was brought to the Saint Augustine Metropolitan Cathedral, marking the commencement of the Black Nazarene procession in Northern Mindanao in the same year.

Archbishop Cabantan noted that the traslacion procession in Cagayan de Oro closely mirrors the Walk of Faith conducted by the Quiapo Church the previous year. In 2023, approximately 10,000 devotees participated in the procession in Cagayan de Oro City. –

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