Another road rage incident reported, this time in Valenzuela City

After the reported road rage incidents in Quezon City and Makati City, a video recording showed a similar incident that occurred in Valenzuela City last month, according to the report on “State of the Nation” Wednesday.

In the video uploaded by Atty. Raymond Fortun on Facebook, a man can be seen got off an SUV, cocked his gun and approached an unseen person.

The video also showed the same individual pushing a man.

The Valenzuela City local government unit said the incident happened along Bignay Contouring road last August 19.

The root cause of the incident is not yet clear.

But the Northern Police District said the incident is under investigation by the Valenzuela City Police and that they are yet to identify the driver.

The LGU is also calling on witnesses to coordinate with them or with the police so the suspect can be identified.

Last month, a former police officer took out a firearm and hit a cyclist in Quezon City.

The road rage incident in Makati City was also caught on video, which showed a motorcycle rider pinned down by a policeman. — BAP, GMA Integrated News

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